What is ZotMail?
ZotMail is UC Irvine's primary electronic communication system used to transmit authorized business messages.
This web-based messaging system enables authorized senders in the offices of the Chancellor, Provost, Vice Chancellors, and Deans to send messages using a password-protected interface.
Employees, students and affiliates can update subscription choices. New employees, students and affiliates are automatically added to the ZotMail system.
UCPath feeds ZotMail with current employees; the Registrar feeds ZotMail with currently enrolled students. Students must be enrolled in the current quarter to receive ZotMail messages.
While the ZotMail system simply sends your message, once it leaves UC Irvine servers, we cannot guarantee that your message will reach your recipient's email destination.
The UC Information Technology Accessibility Policy requires that ZotMail messages be accessible, so people of all abilities can access and use campus communications.
Visit UC Irvine Accessibility: https://accessibility.uci.edu/digital/email.php
ZotMail Support and Feedback
Support: Visit the OIT Help Center at https://www.oit.uci.edu/help/
Feedback: Send email to OIT@uci.edu with "ZotMail" in the subject line
Emergency ZotMail System
As part of UC Irvine's emergency communication plan, the Chancellor, Provost/EVC, and
some others have the ability to send ZotMail messages to reach the entire UC Irvine community including all unsubscribed users.
Other Electronic Communication Systems at UC Irvine
Google Groups: https://www.oit.uci.edu/services/communication-collaboration/google-groups/